We were booked at 11am and the park opened at 10am. So we had a little bit to roam the park before we had to meet. We wanted to go look at the Belugas before we got into the water with them. We watched them for a good twenty minutes and their size began to overwhelm us. They are such massive creatures.
After making ourselves antsy we walked over to check in and wait for the rest of our group. The program began with us meeting a walrus named Obey. We got to pet and feed him.
We then met a giant polar bear. We couldn't get close like the walrus, because they are considered so dangerous. No on is ever allowed to be near them unless they are put under for a medical reason or with steel bars between them. They feed them through a special slot, so no mishaps ever happen.
Finally we headed to our own personal locker room, each room had our names on them. Inside we had our wetsuit and booties. Shower and all ameneties were also there for afterwards.

After changing it was Beluga Time! We had the oppurtunity to meet two whales, perform tricks and even get kissed. After the water they took us to another tank where their 1 year old baby beluga. She was so cute and small.