We of course stayed at Candy Cane Inn, Its the cutest hotel in the world. Plus you can have a tastey candy cane no matter what time of of year.
Huntington Beach was so nice and peacful with a beautiful sunset. We found a lost dog flyer for Bambie and I hope she finds her way back home. The picture of her was super cute.
Disneyland was fab as usual. I ate my usual: giant pickle, corn dog, ice cream, and frozen apple juice. Had to go shopping at Basin in Downtown Disney and stock up. So excited the Lady said that their candles are coming back! Oh Ya!
The drive back was soso. I got a migrain and then when delusional half way home. Once got home my phone dropped in the toilet and is no longer avaliable to do anything. Justin called Sprint the next morning to open an insurance claim but the nice lady told him that i was up for an upgrade, so he woke me up to pick out a new phone. I have had my Blackberry for only a few days and i'm already addicted. But it has been a good week. Looking forward to doing absolutly nothing our next few days off.